That seems to be a very common scam tactics many so-called "gurus" in any niche use.
I came across a "crypto-millionaire" who does this a lot, clogging up my Youtube feeds with her ads...
Arguably though, given the damage done to real lives from these scammers, social media channels such as Youtube, Twitter, Facebook etc. should step in and do more to curb this?
You literally get spammed by people who are complete scammers on Youtube, if you're into any topic around crypto, finances, online business, etc. etc. A simple search then reveals their tactics.
Some of it is unbelievable.
I once came across a guy filming himself lying in a sofa behind a Christmas tree with a cast, claiming to have had a skiing accident, and selling off his "ready-made-profit-generation-done-for-you Shopify stores" as he couldn't keep up with them since then...the landing page, like all of them, has logos of the big media channels e.g. Business Insider and testimonials anyone can fake etc. yet a search doesn't show any results or proof of any of this.
And then you find testimonials of people being charged random amounts that don't match the stated price of the "unbeatable offer", getting charged silly amount after they put their card details in...and they can't do anything about it. It's crazy out there!